Thursday, August 28, 2008

Its a New Year - At Last!

Greetings gentle readers!
It has been quite a while since my last post. The combination of a lousy Raiders season and my uncle's untimely passing diminished my enthusiasm for the effort. Well, I have been getting some vibes that it is time to blog anew and I am sure that it is that picture of my uncle on the wall behind me that is delivering the message: IT'S FOOTBALL SEASON!
So much has happened since the last post - there is no way I can cover it all. I will just hit on a few high (low)lights:
Brett Favre
What the f*&k is going on with him?? As long time readers will recall, I begged him to retiree before last season. For those of you still blinded by last year's miracle season for Brett, the previous outing in 2006 was dreadful. He was near the bottom in almost every category - he was washed up. He did some of the same "maybe I will, maybe I won't" shit after the end of that year as well and decided to come back - for one more year. OK, I will give it to him - that was a good call as he had a great year. But what a friggin idiot! He could go out almost on top and erase the memory of 2006 from the minds of football fans everywhere. A good deal if there ever was one - 38 years old and riding high.
So he retires, right? Wrong! Even after parades and the rest, the schmuck has the nerve to try to come back. The team was moving on - I don't blame them. They even offered him some $$ to be some sort of mascot or something. He should have taken it. He went to the Jets - the Jets! He is going to get killed out there and the Jets will be lucky to hit .500. All I can say is that this guy is an egomaniac. Pull your head out Brett!
The Chargers, LT and Merriman
If I were a Charger fan, I would have burned my LT jersey in effigy! That little pouty faced baby hurt his wittle knee and sat on the bench pouting. "If I can't play then I just want to go home" was written all over his face. While his teammates were getting their asses handed to them in the playoffs, he can't even root along. Real football players have been seen rooting from stretchers and ambulances, but LT is in his own little world.
Making it worse, he did not even have enough of an injury to require significant surgery! WTF? So now we are about to start the season and he has not seen any action that would require actual contact with other players since he wussed out last year. Do you think that knee is ready for the bottom of the pile? Hmm, let's see.... He is in year 7 of his career I think and RB's last an average of 4 years so.... hey! He's done! I predict that his lack of attention to his injury is going to take that half step that he had on defenses away and he will be a shadow of his former self. Well at least the bolts have Turne...oops!
Worse still might be the biggest idiot in the league, with THE dumbest routine in the world, Shawn "my brain could not power a nightlight" Merriman. So he learns last year - yes, last year, that he has not one but two torn ligaments. He piddle paddles along all off season thinking that the magic pixie dust fairy will notice his stupid dancing and come by and fix his knee. Well guess what - pixie dust never comes despite his efforts at stupid dancing. Now the season is upon him and he is told by 4 doctors that he needs surgery and that playing will certainly make it worse and possibly make it career ending for him. Easy choice for a guy whose contract is up after the end of NEXT season, right? You get fixed up this year - root from the sidelines - and come back ready to go next year. (Of course a real team player would have hit the knife in January and been ready to play in October) What does he say? "I will play until I can't". What a dumb f*&k! Here's my prediction: He will be ineffective, every offensive lineman who has had to watch him do his stupid dance over and over will be eyeing that knee, and he won't last but a few games at best. I guess they don't hire guys like him for their brains...
Gene Upshaw
What a loss! One of the greatest Raiders ever! I remember him from when I was a teenager with all that tape on his arms and he was awesome. I must say that this whole Pancreatic cancer thing is bad mojo as a good friend is also dealing with it now. Every one of the idiots like the ones noted above should kiss Gene's ass because he made it possible for morons to become millionaires in the NFL.
Sad as it may be, Bud is not longer an American company. Sold out they did, making the largest beer maker in the country a foreign owned corporation. I blame George Bush - you heard it here! If the stupid idiot had not gone on a drunken tax cutting and spending binge, perhaps the dollar would be worth something as opposed to nearly nothing now. Makes our big companies awful cheap!
If there is one silver lining, the buyer is the brewer of Stella Artois which is a fine beer. Perhaps one day the dollar will be worth enough to buy the brand back....

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