Monday, May 14, 2007

Spring Musings - WTF Spanos?

Greetings patient readers! After taking a few months off, I am back in gear. No stories to tell of my failure to post new material - I would attribute it to a combination of laziness on my part and the fact that football season was over! Over the last few months there have been a few interesting football developments: 1. Chargers Management Implodes - Seriously, could this have been handled any worse by Spanos/Smith? I understand that even though he brought a team from 1-15 to 14-2, Marty had to go. Don't ask me why, but the Chargers, like most San Diego teams, have a need to implode when faced with success. So you decide to get rid of Marty, but have two excellent candidates in the assistant coach positions. In most places, the smart money keeps as much of the coaching team intact and promotes one of the assistants to head coach. Makes sense to you and I but Smith/Spanos decided to do the stupidest shit possible and screw the whole thing up. First they dis Marty with a 1 year deal, sending the message that his time is limited but also letting the assistants know that they would need to look elsewhere for a promotion. Then by the time these dumbasses figure it out and can Marty, its too late - most of the coaching staff is off to greener pastures. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over! To make it even worse they hire Norv Friggin Turner as Marty's replacement! What? This guy has an awful head coaching record - take it from me he SUCKED in Oakland! Sure he did some OK stuff with Dallas - about 15 years ago! I just can't see how these series of moves by Smith/Spanos does anything but destroy team morale and will certainly lead to worse on field performance this season. I think that 10-6 would be lucky this year for the bolts in their new, even dumber uniforms. 2. Al Davis Still Can't Hire an Experienced Coach - I've got underwear almost as old as Lane Kiffin! 31 years old for Christ's sake - he was born in the 1975! Al just can't attract coaches that are any good - look at the last few - Shell, Turner, Calahan - not the A list there! I think that the lack of a GM hurts the team when the Good Humor Man is at the reigns. With that said - the kid does present some interesting experience at USC. He may be the right kind of coach to get the best out of Jamarcus Russell - we'll see. 3. Randy Moss goes for a 4th Round Pick - I guess this smug golden boy is not so golden when all the Raiders could get for him is a 4th round pick. That is pathetic! Good riddance I say - that guy is a cancer on a team. 4. Ricky Williams Can't Back Away from the Bong - Ricky, Ricky, RICKY! What the F*** are you thinking you idiot? Let's see here...millions of dollars OR bong hits? Hmmm, tough question - NOT! This guy is so stupid that he can't even figure out how to use a masking agent for his tests. What a moron! I think that the NFL should ban him not for drugs but for sheer stupidity. Beers Good neighbor Pat came by yesterday (yes we were drinking beer on Mother's Day). He stopped in with one of the best beers anywhere but certainly the best that is brewed here in North County San Diego - Stone Brewing's Ruination Ale IPA. This stuff is so friggin good it is ridiculous! Nicely hoppy and satisfying, I recommend this beer to anyone but Coors Light drinkers as they like piss more than beer. For those of you who want insane hop quantities, go for Stone's Arrogant Bastard - you are not worthy!